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What is Fistula?

          It can be defined as an abnormal communication between anal canal and skin around the anal region means a track like thing with an internal opening in the anal canal and external opening on the skin

          In other word FISTULA-IN-ANO is a tube-like thing with two openings at both the ends external as well as internal

          In Ayurveda it is called as BHAGANDHARA means a disease that damages the area around genitalia, bladder and the anus.


What Causes Fistula?

1.Commonest Non-Specific Fistula caused by Infection of Anal Crypts and Anal glands due to

  1. Anal fissure

  2. Driving for longer duration

  3. Undue straining during defecation

  4. Rough under clothing causing friction on peri anal skin

  5. Trauma to anal canal

  6. Injury to anal canal and rectum following ingestion of fish bone, chicken bone etc.,

2.Specific Fistula is the one caused by some other illness like

  1. Tuberculosis

  2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  3. Crohn’s disease

  4. Malignancy (rectal cancer)

  5. Lymphogranuloma venereum


How to Identify Fistula?

1. Recurrent rupture of boil and pus discharge from peri anal region

2. Swelling around the anal region

3. Discharge of pus or blood

4. Pain

5. Fever

6. Backache

7. Discharge of faeces or flatus


Can Fistula be cured with Medicine?

          In fact, a true fistula is a surgical disease and cannot be cured with medicines alone. If fistula occur due to TUBERCULOSIS, CROHN’S, INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE or CANCER surgery alone is not the answer and many a times ends up in failure.


What are the Treatments available for Fistula?

  1. FISTULOTOMY -means laying open the track

  2. FITULECTOMY means removal of complete track along with internal opening and external opening

Since in these two procedures results in some sort of sphincter damage lot of new techniques were invented to save the sphincters







  7. LASER

  8. DLPL



Why KSHARASUTRA is best Treatment Option:

  • Ksharasutra is made up of natural ingredients

  • Ksharasutra helps in draining out the infection

  • Ksharasutra by mechanical friction is useful in destruction of the infected anal crypt which is the main reason of the fistula

  • Kshara sutra helps in chemical fistulotomy and gives reactive fibrosis

  • This is the only method which is having more than 98 % success even in complex fistula


What are the Benefits of KSHARASUTRA?

  • No hospitalization

  • No bed rest

  • No damage to sphincters and no incontinence

  • No recurrence


What we do at Nalam Ayurveda?

          Change: IFTAK (interception of the fistulous track and application of the Kshara sutra): In this technique, interception of the proximal part of the fistulous tract is done at the level of the external sphincter, along with the application of the Kshara sutra from the site of interception to the infected anal crypt in the anal canal. Treats complex fistulas with modified Ksharasutra treatments.
         Fistulotomy + ksharakarma (unroofing of the track till internal opening and application of ayurvedic herbal caustic material) The advantage of the procedure is that we can treat the fistula in very little time without any recurrence. The patient's wound gets good fibrosis.
Partial fistulotomy + ksharasutra (deroofing of the tract up to the sphincter complex and application of ksharasutra to the internal opening from the sphincter complex): we can implement this technique in straight transphincteric fistulas. The advantages of this technique are less duration, minimal incontinence, and less recurrence.

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