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What is Fissure?

          Anal fissure is nothing but a longitudinal cut injury in the anal canal.


What Causes Fissure?

          Generally hard stool will be the main culprit. When hard stool passed forcibly it makes a linear cut injury in the anal canal giving pain and bleeding.

What are the Reasons for Hard stool?

  • Less intake of water

  • More consumption of red meat

  • Consumption of refined food which lack fiber

  • Use of western commode

  • Postponement of reflex to defecate

  • Pregnancy

  • Alcohol

  • Some medication like pain killers, cold medicine and antibiotics


What are Symptoms of Fissure?

  • Pain

  • Burning

  • Itching

  • Bleeding

  • Palpable skin tag at the anal verge

  • Sometimes pain will be very severe after defecation


What are the Types of Fissure?

There are two types of Fissures

  1. ACUTE FISSRE- When fissure occurs recently means fissure of below one-month period can be considered as acute fissure which don’t need any special surgical treatments.

  2. CHRONIC ANAL FISSURE- In chronic fissures, the patient may require a dilatation surgery (sphincterolysis) in conjunction with the aforesaid medicine. This sphincterolysis treatment is based on the patient's condition and is performed using agnikarma (laser sphincterolysis), digital sphincterolysis, or sphincterolysis with a cataract knife. These methods relax the sphincter tone immediately, and the patient has pain reduction when passing stools within two day. All of these operations may be performed under local anesthesia in a day care facility. Patients can go home within 2 hours of the treatment and resume normal activities the next day. Dr. Arulpathy Murugesan, our leading proctologist, devised a revolutionary painless and bloodless method for anal fissures and trained numerous physicians from throughout the nation. We are glad to claim that we prevented surgery for numerous patients.


What are the Treatments available for Fissure?

These are the treatments available for treating anal fissure

  • Fissurectomy

  • Internal sphincterotomy

  • Dilatation

  • Topical applications

  • Botulinum injection

  • Laser


How can we prevent Fissure?

  • Avoid spicy food

  • Take plenty of water and fluids

  • Avoid refined food and junk food

  • Take more leafy vegetables

  • Avoid usage of western commode and use Indian commode

  • Obey natural reflex and don’t postpone defecation

  • Consult your doctor if you experience hard stool


What we do at Nalam Ayurveda?

Our main intention is to avoid surgery in anal fissure, we prescribe-

  • Ayurveda medication

  • Lifestyle modification

  • Dietary restrictions can definitely prevent surgery in many of the anal fissures


We offer variety of safe and natural treatments

Our signature treatment is MATRAVASTI along with ayurvedic way of relaxation of the anal sphincter for anal fissure.

The benefits of our new technique are

  • No cuts

  • No bleed

  • No sutures

  • No bedrest

  • No hospitalization

  • Very less pain

  • Return to work from second day

Dr. Arulpathy Murugesan, our chief proctologist introduced new painless and blood less technique in anal fissures and taught so many doctors from all over the country.

We can proudly say that we avoided surgeries for thousands of people

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